Reflections on the Farm. Time. Life.

Do we see ourselves as we really are? As a mirror opposite? Or do we see ourselves as we want to?  Does the shiny surface of the water match what is beneath the surface? Reflecting about experiences is life. Hopefully we take time to learn something about ourselves,...
Pursuit of the Cross

Pursuit of the Cross

One year ago today, January 22, 2016, started my focused pursuit of the cross. I was driven to find and take photos of crosses, ones I had passed many times, but never saw, in urban settings, rural roads, churches -I looked for crosses every day and took photos. And I...

The Feeling of Alive.

My mother recently gave me a gift—the view into a time passed.  A photo of my sister (right) and I (left), she age 3 and me age 2.  Since receiving I have been thinking about this image. My mom digitalized all the old “slides” from the 1970’s.  I remember...

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