by Amy Bretall | Jul 3, 2021 | Blog, Faith, Inspired, Life, Love
Her smile—Jean was pure sweetness! You never know where you’ll find your jewel. We met at my first job out of college, Mercantile Bank, in 1995 when I was 23 and she was 68. Jean was working part-time in the Human Resources department after having retired from...
by Amy Bretall | Jun 13, 2021 | Blog, Crosses, Faith, Inspired, Love
Taking a stand is living your standards. The seat of doubt gladly provides a cushion “Sit this one out.” Others will comfort you with words of ease. Opportunities will come to occupy your time —to take your time. Untangle yourself from other people’s drama. It’s a...
by Amy Bretall | May 2, 2021 | Blog, Crosses, Faith, Inspired, Life
Don’t you know I’m always here. In big and small ways, I’m watching out for you. I’m always close even when events take you away — when you let other priorities get in the way from My love. Reach out to Me. Stretch out your arms & embrace My love. Let...
by Amy Bretall | Apr 2, 2021 | Blog, Crosses, Faith, Inspired
The power is real! ✨I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need extra inspiration and uplift. And images can do it! The power of a coffee table book is real!➡️ “Coffee table books with impressive imagery can inspire positive emotions like AWE, curiosity, improving...
by Amy Bretall | Mar 1, 2021 | Blog, Crosses, Faith, Inspired, Life
And the clouds say… “I’m opening a way.” I’ve passed this church for many years but never stopped to take a photo. It wasn’t the right timing. The sky wasn’t there. A cloudy day, just a blue sky — no, it’s not there yet. Patience and timing. A simple analogy really....