What do you see in this photo? I see crosses. Shadows from lattice, but it’s You shining down. Showing up. Showing your love all around. Your long solid lines of presence.

I often come across You.. Sometimes You surprise me with Your graceful appearance. I think, again? Really, I am seeing you again? Crosses formed in nature or other every day items not originally in cross form, but in my eyes they transform into You. Shape Shifters. Other times I wait expectantly and have a self-assurance when I see You.  Like running into an old friend…You are there.

Often times I am unsure or unsteady in all this life brings. And I turn towards. I turn to prayer. I turn to my faith. I keep my sights on You because that is the only way. I keep looking up, knowing You will show up again and again. That is for certain.

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:1

livebreathealive.chisikstudio.com Blog: Pursuit of the Cross series: Designed to encourage others to seek and see the cross in everyday life.


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