Have you ever received a few words that bring an immediate change in perspective? In the summer of 2007, after a cycling accident brought months of forced downtime from my active lifestyle, my patience was tested. I asked my Dad for some words. Literally, I said: “Dad, I need some words.” as I stood on crutches in the kitchen while visiting. Without hesitation, sitting at the kitchen table, he said: “Rest brings restoration.” Just like that.

These three little words soothed me. These words calmed my impatience. These words transformed the time of waiting into a greater purpose. Not just one of repair, but something more, a deeper healing…Renewed, restored, regenerated, revitalized.

“Rest brings restoration.” – Bill Bretall

His words gave me an immediate shift in perspective— a move to an understanding that you can’t rush the healing on your time table. Wait and it will be given. A bigger movement. Like a broken bone, it is stronger when healed. Fused in strength. When we are broken, it is our mindset that makes the difference to bring us to a place of strength. So, no more was I rushing time. Dad’s words allowed me to see something bigger. Rest Brings Restoration. All in three words. The little things in life are big. My dad.

“Rest brings restoration.”— words given to me by my Father.

Live. Breathe. Alive. blog- Here I write about life, love, my spiritual journey and what I am learning to help others. Using the voice I have.

——*Blog Post: June 16, 2017. In January 2017, I started Live Breathe Alive as a blog. Over the years as I took steps of faith it grew and evolved into something more.

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