A Showing of Faith…it all begins with little steps. It’s figuring it out on your own and seeking out people to ask advice to learn…utilizing the community around. Why not ask? People can always say no. But…they can also say “Yes” and open a door. Take the chance. The power in the universe knows your heart. Here is my “Showing” of faith to share.

Stained Glass Cross, card
When I was in the beginning stages of this cross project (March of 2016), I started with greeting cards. That was all I had planned. As I developed my cross collection and then a rural collection, I searched and researched. At a suggestion of a friend, to get feedback, I checked with a local retail store and the owner suggested I make framed prints. Ok. So I did.
As I saw my photos printed larger, placed in a black frame/white mat, I thought… I will have a gallery show some day. Not sure how, but I will. I see it.
And that day is here. I am having a gallery show this month. How did it come about? Community, asking, and help from above.
Around 18 months ago I reached out to a professional photographer after seeing his beautiful work at another local gift shop. I asked to meet and for feedback on what I had put together. He was very helpful and open with providing some basics on the business side.
Last month, I followed-up with this professional photographer to simply ask a few questions and share an update. Upon receipt of my email, the same day, he makes a social media introduction to a gallery coordinator. It “just happened” they were looking for cross artwork to align with an upcoming sermon series for Lent called “Cross Words.” Well, now isn’t that interesting…I have a Cross Collection. And the church has a gallery with a mission supporting the arts in their lovely Frank Lloyd Wright designed building. Timing. A gallery show!!! Thank you Mark Feiden!
I meet with the gallery coordinator. It’s a quick turnaround. Will I be ready? Yes!

Gift Gallery Display, November 2017
Preparing, sowing, grinding, having done the work to be ready. So many little steps over two years. I can’t count them all. I’ve learned small steps add up; it’s just a daily practice over time. The little inches create a step and then another step. There is BIG in the LITTLE when you keep going. The gallery show I said I would have almost 2 years ago is here. It’s my Showing of Faith.
It takes a community. Seek! Ask! Knock! Why not? Someone can always say No…but, they can also say “Yes.” You never know who could know someone that can lead to your next, like in my situation.
As you start, it gets easier because every small step leads to the next. And even when you don’t know exactly what to do, there IS some “thing” to do. Even if it is prayer. Pause and pray. Think. If it is in you, then do it. Don’t wait. Listen to your inner calling and Go!
Every day. Keep focused. Make a list and stick to it. And work it! Go. Do. All it takes is a little faith to get going. Faith moves you forward. And like the mustard seed, it grows…into a Showing of Faith. There is BIG in the little.
livebreathealive.chisikstudio.com Blog: Pursuit of the Cross series: Designed to encourage others to seek and see the cross in everyday life.
Amy, I love this! I can feel your excitement through your words. I am so beyond happy for you.
Thank you Susan! I very much appreciate you leaving a comment.