A little girl in Cuba, Yordielis, is my next.  I have written often about my sweet Jean as my adopted grandmother, how we met 22 years ago at my first job out of college. Jean was age 68 and I was 23.  I held onto her over the years, loved her and cared for her through to the end last June.  And when I met Yordielis in Cuba 18 months ago, I knew she was my next.  I don’t know how, but I knew. God brings people together.  I know this. From my experience. From my eyes. From my seeing. From my learning. From my prayer. From my seeking. From my listening. From my awareness. I had been praying for over a year…show me.

Meeting Yordielis to then trying to find a way to help her, I found a purpose. She was 10, I was 44. I don’t know how, but I knew I would know her in 20 years.  She was my next.  And today we email each other.

What is it you know? What is your purpose?

Live. Breathe. Alive. blog- Here I write about life, love, my spiritual journey and what I am learning to help others. Using the voice I have.

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