My word this year is short and possibly overlooked. It’s also mighty and happens to be one of my favorite words in scripture.
‘Let’ (my other favorite word is ‘Yet’)
‘Let’ popped into my head. I didn’t know if I’d have a word this year. It’s fitting because two of my favorite memorized verses begin with ‘Let.’ The more significant factor is my Sweet Jean—my adopted grandmother and dear friend for over 20 years.
The following day (after receiving Let) I found a note I made by a verse which included the word ‘Let’. By this verse I wrote Jean’s name and the connection; noted this in 2016 with not much thought to it since.
Here it is: “Therefore, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58.
“Let nothing move you.”
“Okay Jean. I won’t.” It’s been 6.5 years since she passed. And she’s still with me. Let is my word of the year.
Read about Jean in my book Sights of Faith. During her declining health, in late 2015 and 2016, I wrote about my love for Jean and shared on social media. People really like hearing about her. Jean was 45 years my elder; we met my first professional career HR job after college graduation.
My Sweet Jean. Always.
I hope you have a Sweet Jean in your life. You may not know it yet. Yet.
These two short words: Three letters with an abundance of meaning and bring feeling; both full of hopeful expectation.
- Let —it’s an opening invitation, for anyone, anytime, an easiness of grace and love.
- Yet—just wait for God to share and show you. You will receive; it’s confident knowing.
Want to know more about Jean, our connection and how faith works through tests? Learn more.